How to choose a Kratom that is right for me?
- There is more similarities than differences between Kratom varieties
- Vein color is a more predictable indication of effects than other variables, such as region or leaf type.
- Most varieties of Kratom are the same price and price does not dictate the effectiveness of a Kratom for an individual.
- All differences in Kratom effects are due to varying balances of the active alkaloids in the leaf.
- As Kratom is a raw natural product, individual harvests even of the same strain and vein color may vary in effects due natural conditions.
- Examples: Time of year harvested, weather conditions, and other natural factors.
- There is value in having a variety of Kratom on hand to choose for differing effects and needs. Αdditionally many people combine various Kratom to find the balance of effects that they wish!
- A person’s individual needs and personal biochemistry will determine what Kratom is best for them. Try them all and pick your favorites!
Strain Analysis
Due to growing in these distinctly different areas and breeding, the plant has evolved to adapt to its environment, and has evolved into a variety of different strains making Kratom leaves that vary in effects and potency. Additionally, a person’s own needs and biochemistry will determine which Kratom is their preferred strain. The below three varieties are a general indication of effect, but may be completely different for you. The best way to find your favorite is to experiment!
In the past, Kratom leaf pickers would separate the leaves based on their vein color because they found that there were consistent differences in the effects that correlated to vein coloration.
In general, red vein are seen as being best for relaxation, replacement of pain medications, and as mood enhancers. These distinctions between vein types and effects should be viewed as loose characterizations instead of hard and fast rules for how Red Vein Kratom will affect you; slight changes in method of consumption, product potency, individual biochemistry and metabolism can all alter your experience when taking this herb.
It is also common these to mix different strains like Red and Green together to achieve a synergistic and balanced effect.
Red Vein
Red Vein Kratom is well known for its natural and strong effects including:
Natural and effective pain relief.
Relaxation and sedation
Anxiety Relief
Stress Relief
White Vein
White Vein Kratom is known to be highly effective for:
Depression Relief
Increased Mental Focus
Increased Energy LevelsNootropic effects (cognition enhancing)
Caffeine free coffee substitute.
Green Vein
Green Vein Kratom is often used for great effects without the sedation common in many red veins, such as:
Pain Relief (Without sedation)
Nootropic (Cognitive Enhancing)
Long-Lasting Effects
Immune System Stimulation
Vein Color, Region / Strain, Leaf Type
Region / Strain
Indo (Indonesia)
Maeng Da
Thai (Thailand)
The Sunda isles
Leaf Type
Powder (Standard)
Powder (Premium)
Powder (Enhanced)
Powder (Bentuangie)
Raw Leaf
Full Spectrum Tincture(FST)
Various Kratom Powders
![Kratom Powder](
Powder (Standard)
![Kratom Powder](
Powder (Premium)
The same process as standard powder, except the leaves have been separated from the stems & vein by hand. As the stems are known to contain far less alkaloid content, this process dramatically increases the amount of alkaloid matter in resulting powders. This results in “Premium” product.
![Kratom Powder](
Powder (Enhanced)
![Kratom Powder](
Powder (Bentuangie)
Raw Leaf
Kratom Extracts
Extracts are concentrated forms of Kratom. This type of Kratom, is made by adding liquid to Kratom powder and boiling them down. There are powdered extracts, tinctures, and resin. Not recommended, increases tolerance greatly for limited benefits, also expensive.
Kratom Full Spectrum Tincture